At the end of 2021, Techreviewer team has made quick research among 100+ software development companies about the market state, results of 2021, and their plans for 2022. Most of the companies are either small (32.86%) or medium (35.71%) agencies with up to 100 employees. 

Most IT companies have started to define their specialization, but only 10% of the companies specialize in types of solutions they make or business domains they work with. What is your specialization? How is your team different from the competitors? 

In this white paper, you will learn:

  • Participants’ overview
  • 2021 achievements & changes 
  • Plans for 2022 
  • Top insights to think about

Techreviewer is an analytics hub sharing top software companies’ rankings and reviews. They selected and sorted the best companies from all over the world specializing in different technologies and solutions.

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