
Home ArchersTalk
All About ArchersTalk

"The More We Share, The More We Have"

By participating in ArchersTalk as speakers or contributors, you will have the opportunity to expand your skill set, get valuable insights, and strengthen your personal branding. Furthermore, these activities will help in the development of Kyanon Digital’s brand, our Thought Leadership in the IT industry, and the recruitment of new talent. Finally, speakers will be compensated for their sharing in public webinars or events aimed at both internal and external audiences. 


The ArchersTalk Series include 6 Types Of Activities: 

Internal webinars/Training

Our Archers will share their knowledge/tips about technology and soft skills relevant to the field for our internal audience.


In case you can’t attend the webinars/events, you can read the recap as blogs and white papers posted on our website.

Mobile Dev

ArchersTalk also includes video tutorials where our speakers demonstrate specific instructions. The tutorials are posted on our website and official social media platforms.

Case Study Interview

The audience will have the chance to hear Archers’ sharing Kyanon Digital case studies.

Public workshops/Webinars

Workshops and webinars are open to both internal and external audiences. Everybody with an interest is welcome to join.


There are competitions for internal participants with attractive prizes. Be sure to check our website and social media regularly for more information.

What is ArchersTalk?

Empowering Great People To Create Great Values

ArchersTalk is a series of knowledge sharing events from members at Kyanon Digital (Archers) that reflect one of our 7 core values: Empowered Learning. Thanks to those sharing, not only other Archers but external developers, will have the chance to gain useful knowledge and tips for better work performances.

Các bạn leader và team member tham gia Leaders’ Talk #3
Explore More ArchersTalks

Upcoming events

You can find more information about upcoming ArchersTalk activities here.


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Why You Should Join ArchersTalk

What You'll Get When Being A Contributor Of ArchersTalk

When organizing ArchersTalk events, you will be supported as much as possible to do your best and share your knowledge with greater and greater audiences.

media support

The marketing team will prepare the visual aids including banners and content, as well as help to spread the news.

Developing your Personal Brand

Through your sharing session, you will increase your exposure and help everyone systematize valuable references.

Getting advice from experts

Before the sharing takes place, you will get advice about the topic and content from experts in the company to make sure it's credible.

Video shooting Support

The marketing team will prepare all the equipment for your video shooting, such as camera, lighting, microphone... and edit the final version.

offline events support

The marketing team will help speakers set up the location, event decoration and recording, when the offline workshop/webinar takes place.

playing a part in company branding

Your contribution will help in the development of Kyanon Digital's brand, our Thought Leadership in the IT industry and the recruitment of new talents.

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ArchersTalk Blogs

In case you missed the live events, you can explore them in the blogs here.

Leader’s Talk #9: Thúc Đẩy Động Lực Làm Việc Của Nhân Viên

Trong môi trường cạnh tranh và ngày càng phát triển như ngày nay, việc duy trì và nâng cao động lực cho nhân viên là một thách thức quan trọng đối với mọi doanh nghiệp. Khi nhân viên được thúc đẩy và cảm thấy hài lòng, họ không chỉ làm việc hiệu quả hơn mà […]

Leader’s Talk #6: Hành Trình Chinh Phục Agile Từ Cơ Bản

Trong chuyên mục Leaders’ Talk #6 tại Kyanon Digital, các anh chị cấp quản lý đã cùng thảo luận về hành trình chinh phục Agile từ cơ bản nhất qua nhiều góc nhìn, vị trí khác nhau như Back Office, BA, PM… Cùng tìm hiểu về hành trình chinh phục Agile qua những câu chuyện […]

Leader’s Talk #8: “Thấu Hiểu & Xây Dựng Tính Tự Chủ Cho Đội Nhóm”

Phát biểu tại buổi tiệc Year End Party 2023, anh Tài Huỳnh, CEO Kyanon Digital đã nhấn mạnh về hướng đi của năm 2024 với tinh thần “Autonomy & Sustainability” (tự chủ và bền vững). Qua gần nửa chặng đường của năm 2024, các bộ phận tại Kyanon Digital đã phần nào thể hiện được […]

"This is the first time I have been apart of a knowledge sharing event with a large audiences. Despite my lack of experience in public presenting, I am glad that everyone gave me a good response. With a strong inclination towards learning, I can fill the gaps in my knowledge, get more experience and feel more passionate about my career."

Nhat Nguyen

Software Engineer, NoPyGo Chapter

"Being a speaker at ArchersTalk reminds me of when I was a lecturer in the past. Sharing knowledge with the people around me is a joy and it helps me review my own knowledge as well. I love to share new knowledge with as many people as possible, whenever I can."

Tuan Tran

Front-end Developer, Hermes Squad

"I think that ArchersTalk serves as a good space for people to share knowledge, as well as creates a learning platform for everyone to access and gain more experience. I have learned a lot from previous ArchersTalk sessions, and I hope that this event will encourage more and more Archers to engage and participate."

Vy Nguyen

Front-end Developer, Artemis Squad

"This is the first time I am participating in a knowledge sharing experience as a speaker. At first, I felt shy, but when I joined the sharing session with the seniors and coworkers of the company, everyone was so friendly that I felt myself relax and began my sharing easily. Even though I am still a little shy sometimes, I understand that these are important experiences for my future career path development."

Nghia Nguyen

Drupal Engineer, Drupal Chapter

Speaker Testimonials

What is being said about ArchersTalk

We are extremely proud of the sharing spirit of our Archers. Let’s continue to spread more useful knowledge and contribute to the IT community.

sharing is having more

“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles in it.”