The Loyalty Program Trends 2025 by Open Loyalty provides you with 72 easy-to-digest pages with answers to the top customer loyalty trends and questions such as:

  • What challenges do loyalty marketers expect to face in 2025?
  • What loyalty goals will be the focus over the following year?
  • What will be the most significant areas of investment in 2025?
  • How do you see the future of customer loyalty programs over the next 2-3 years?
  • What trends will have the greatest impact on loyalty marketing over the next 2-3 years?
  • What brands are perceived as thought leaders in the loyalty space?

The report starts out by looking at the most common answers to the above questions, accompanied by a comparison between this year’s results and those obtained last year.

The second part shows commentary from loyalty experts, elaborating on their chosen goals, predictions, and challenges for the future of the loyalty industry.

Read the full report to learn more.

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