CTO Handbook: 5 Key Strategies for Scalable Software Success 5

The prosperity and competitive position of a software vendor hinge significantly on its capacity to introduce impactful digital solutions. In the realm of C-suite leadership, the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) shoulders the responsibility of assessing the influence of emerging technologies and potential challenges posed by industry disruptors and cutting-edge startups. Here are 5 key strategies for scalable software success that we suggest for CTOs to deliver competitive, maintainable solutions fast — and for a wide range of customers.

Guided by this CTO handbook, the CTO must articulate a well-defined roadmap for strategic technology initiatives. This roadmap could prioritize aspects such as maintainability, scalability, or integrations with cloud-based solutions. Executing this strategic plan is a challenging task, and achieving success in this endeavor necessitates a collaborative partnership with an equally innovative ally.

Kyanon Digital is a solution partner with Mendix, as a low-code pioneer and best-in-class development platform, offers cutting-edge technologies and reusable resources from a strong ecosystem of partnerships to simplify the challenges faced by CTOs.

CTO Handbook: 5 Key Strategies for Scalable Software Success 1

1. Use adaptable solutions to combine specialization with speedy deployments

Adaptable solutions are modular solutions that contain a common core of functionality. Then, based on customer needs and at the time of implementation, the vendor can create differentiated, targeted extensions and modifications.

This approach cuts back on the high cost of building a solution for a recurring problem from scratch. It also removes the surprise that comes when commercial-off-the-shelf products can’t work without adding customized, high-coding fixes.

As low-code software development has matured into a core technology, the numerous  adaptable solutions this makes possible provides multiple benefits to CTOs. It empowers CTOs to hit the sweet spot where rapid deployment meets purpose-built customization of digital solutions.

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2. Adopt a “common core” approach to streamline maintenance and upgrades

When developing software to solve a specific industry problem (or targeted market segment), Mendix’s software has found that 70 – 80% of its functionality remains consistent across all implementations.

Mendix treats these modules as protected intellectual property (IP) and they cannot be modified by implementation partners or end users. This approach simplifies ongoing customer maintenance by separating customized extensions from the protected core for multiple clients and end users.

This saves staff hours and other resources that are required to monitor and repair risky upgrades.

Using a common core approach empowers CTOs to effectively mitigate risks associated with upgrades. New Mendix features like Adaptation Insights provide newfound visibility into upgrade success. Note, too, that cloud-native solutions provide automatic updates for enhanced maintenance — another advantage for CTOs. Together, these features enable vendors to increase the scale of implemented solutions by changing the experience of a typical upgrade from an “all-hands-on-deck” scenario to the simple click of a button.

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3. Use industry alliances rather than developer time to offer new capabilities

Mendix empowers CTOs to rapidly integrate a vast array of technological expertise into their solutions. This includes flexible, cloud-native deployments using streamlined AWS connectors, services, and other components.

The Mendix Marketplace and community also provides industry-specific domain expertise. Their established ecosystem of certified partners and vetted alliances enables CTOs to reduce implementation risks and future-proof solutions.

By adopting modular and extendable software design with low-code’s ease of integration, a CTO can easily connect with other industry-leading tools and adopt new technology to enhance value propositions and accelerate the product roadmap. This seamless integration via alliances and partnerships with key technology providers, increases the visibility and strength of the software solution and software vendor.

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4. Use Protected IP to remove the risks of scaling solutions to a network of partners

By locking down the IP logic in software modules, CTOs can securely build and scale solutions across complex networks of partners and digital landscapes. IP protection also enables mass customizations, setting the stage for infinite innovation from multiple networks.

This puts the CTO back in the driver’s seat, generating momentum for market deployments and time to revenue.

IP-protected solutions also empower CTOs to create new revenue streams by tapping into ecosystem partners such as the Mendix Marketplace. And ISVs can monetize their own adaptable solutions in the marketplace. This helps other CTOs achieve fast time to value and more bandwidth to test and iterate innovations within their core product offerings.

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5. Set a clear technology roadmap with a focus on UX

CTOs can achieve full transparency with Adaptation Insights from the Mendix Solution Kit. This feature was designed to support reusability and adaptable solutions by organizations of any size. Capabilities include upgrade checks and automated upgrade guidance and conflict resolution.

Adaptation Insights provides CTOs with dashboard visibility that monitors solution extensions and modifications. CTOs have full sight lines into how organizations are adapting their solution. With that business intelligence, they can prioritize maintenance needs and enhancements to their products.

Established in 2012, Kyanon Digital is recognized as an expert in technology consulting and digital transformation. Feel free to reach out for any queries or further information!

Source: Mendix

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