loading testing with jemeter to ensure application stability

In this ArchersTalk session, Ms. Hoai Phan – QC Chapter Lead at Hestia and Hermes Team from Kyanon Digital would like to share a case study of loading testing with Jmeter’ to ensure the application stability when thousands of users are logging in at the same time. Read the blog to get a better understanding about this topic.

1. What is Jemeter’?

According to Apache JMeter, “The Apache JMeter™ application is open source software, a 100% pure Java application designed to load test functional behavior and measure performance.”

2. The purpose of using Jmeter’ when loading tests

To ensure that the system can operate efficiently and without errors, we need to run load tests using Jmeter’ to simulate the case of thousands of users logging into the account and using the application at the same time. Using Jmeter’ can help test the auto-reload functionality of your application.

3. Context of the case study

When the system has too many users in use at the same time, the application may experience bottlenecks and many functions may not be able to operate as programmed. For example, when a user makes a deposit to an account in the application, after reloading the page, an error may occur that the amount displayed in the account has exceeded the amount deposited.

4. Conditions for conducting load tests

In this case, we will log in 100 accounts into the application and simulate up to thousands of users using the application. Jmeter’ tool measures the load of the server by simulating a queue of thousands of users making many requests at the same time. From there, we will know if the system’s endurance is guaranteed or if the system will be down when the same situation is encountered in reality.

Besides, performing load tests will also tell us when the server has an error and whether the application’s functions are capable of running or not. Some possible error cases include: bugs, functions operating incorrectly, etc.

5. What are the benefits of load testing for the application?
  • Make sure the system is functioning properly.
  • To bring a better user experience to users during application usage.
  • To help ensure the product works efficiently even during peak times when too many users are using it at the same time.
  • To prevent future risks.
  • Find out whether the functions work effectively or not, ensure proper functioning when the server is operating.
  • Detect bugs earlier to notify the developer team to fix bugs before releasing products to customers, avoid loss to customers, and improve company reputation.

Loading Testing With Jmeter To Ensure Application Stability 2

Through this ArchersTalk, Kyanon Digital hopes that you have received a lot of useful information in the field of quality control, especially when using Jmeter’ tool to load test the system when there are thousands of users using the application at the same time. Thank you Ms. Hoai Phan for taking the time to share useful information and personal experiences with everyone, contributing to the development of the knowledge sharing culture at Kyanon Digital.

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