White Paper

The IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation By Gartner
Across industries, organizations are accelerating digital business transformation for long-term growth and profitability. From Gartner’s perspective, “the transformation journey is taking large enterprises especially at least twice as long and costing twice as much as they originally anticipated...
Top 100 Loyalty Programs
Each loyalty program has to be tailored to the brand, and the nature of the relationship that brand has with its customers. If it is planned to be a long-term success it has to be perceived as a strategic tool of the business, reflecting the brand’s core strengths. From the report you will learn: ...
The low-code digital transformation guide
The low-code digital transformation guide provides a road map for using Mendix to launch a low-code initiative. With low-code development, Mendix has enabled and fostered business collaboration in over numerous organizations of all sizes across a range of industries and geographies. Harnessing years...