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According to Gartner, a superapp, super app or super-app is an application that provides end users (customers, partners or employees) with a set of core features plus access to independently created mini apps. The superapp is built as a platform to deliver a mini apps ecosystem that users can choose...
Real-time Operating System (RTOS) Pros & Cons
1. Real-Time Operating Systems, what is it? Real Time Operating System (RTOS) is a kind of system software that is designed for the purpose of performing different tasks simultaneously along with real time output. There is a set of applications where the operations are executed on time so the activi...
Best Node.js development company in Vietnam and Singapore
1. Node.js Development Company Since its initial release in 2009, Node.js, the JavaScript runtime environment, has grown in popularity, and it appears that this trend will continue; thanks to Node.js, many Web developers can write JavaScript code without using the browser and create server-side web ...